PUBLIC NOTICE: Bethlehem Maternity Home, Santoe East Legon Hills Not Licensed by Health Facilities Regulatory Agency (HeFRA).

The Health Facilities Regulatory Agency (HeFRA) wishes to inform the General Public that BETHLEHEM MATERNITY HOME, SANTOE EAST LEGON HILLS is not licensed by HeFRA to provide health services to the Public.

The General Public is hereby informed that HeFRA is the only mandated Agency by Health Institution and Facilities Act, 2011, (Act 829) to regulate (Register, Inspect, License and Monitor) all health facilities in Ghana. Section 11 (1) &(2) of Act 829 requires that:

(1) A person shall not operate a facility unless the facility is licensed under this Act.

(2) A person shall not operate equipment in a facility specified in the First Schedule unless the facility in which the person operates is licensed under this Act.

HeFRA therefore wishes to advise the General Public to desist from accessing health services from BETHLEHEM MATERNITY HOME located at Santoe East Legon Hills.

Again, the General Public is encouraged to look out for HeFRA licence in any Health Facilities they are accessing health services from. This is to ensure that such facilities are rendering quality care with qualified staff and appropriate equipment.

HeFRA is ready to safeguard public safety and will act on any reliable information from the Public on facilities that are suspected to be operating without licence from the Agency.

We appreciate your efforts in assisting HeFRA to ensure that all health facilities are licensed and monitored in the country to deliver quality care.



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