Mark is the Head of human resource management unit.

He comes aboard with about 16 years working experience. Out of this, he has spent 13years working with the Ghana Health Service (GHS) as a Human Resource Management Practitioner, and has accumulated enviable expertise and attributes that made him stand out in the discharge of his duties wherever he has been.

He started his 13-year career with the GHS, in the capacity of Senior Executive/Human Resource Officer       in one of the Municipal Health Directorates in the Central Region and then preceded to the Brong Ahafo Regional Health Directorate. Thereafter, to the Ashanti Region as Administrative and Human Resource Manager in one of the District Health Directorates, and then to one of the Polyclinics in Accra until the end of 2017. He was very instrumental in the formation of the Grater Accra Branch of the Association of Human Resource Management Practitioners in Health (AHRMP).

He holds a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) – Human Resource Management. And aspires to become a performance management and compensation & rewards expert.