To obtain a licence, visit any HeFRA office around the country in order to secure an approved application form. The form can also be downloaded from our website. The client has few days within which to submit the completed application and required documents.

There are particular requirements that ought to be met by the facility ranging from proof that the facility is registered as an entity, planning approval for the facility building, clearance from the Environmental Protection Agency, plans for the disposal of medical waste, copies of the professional certificates and evidence of at least five years of working experience for key staff, description of services and equipment to be provided at the facility, evidence of financial capacity and a Ghanaian professional partner in the case of non-citizens.

To register to operate a facility

1. A person shall apply to the Agency for a licence at HeFRA office address indicated above or if possible at a HeFRA approved office within the area in which the practice is to be operated in the form determined by the Board.

  1. There shall be attached to the application:
  • The block plan of the facility for the practice
  • Preliminary approval from the District/Municipal/Metropolitan planning authority of the District/Municipal/ Metropolitan Assembly on the suitability of the land or facility to be used for the practice
  • Clearance from the Environmental Protection Agency
  • Plans for the disposal of medicals waste
  • Copies of certificates of proposed practitioners in the practice and proof of their up to date registration with their professional bodies
  • List of the types of services to be rendered
  • List of equipment
  • Evidence of financial capability for the ownership and operation of the practice applied for (audited accounts, statement of account)
  • The prescribed fees
  • A yearly retention fee will be paid depending on the type of facility
  • Original copies of business registration Certificates from the Registrar General Department.
  • Approved certification for facilities with X-ray imaging from the Nuclear Regulation Authority.
  • Evidence of continues submission of Health Service data to Ministry of Health every 3 months. (Existing facilities only)
  • A clearance certificate from Ghana Fire Service
  • A valid work permit issued by ministry of interior (non-Ghanaian only)

The Board may on its own or on the recommendation of zonal committee revoke or refuse to renew a license for a practice.

The state of the facility disqualifies the licensee from being granted a license or it has reasonable grounds to believe that the continues operation of the practice by the licensee will create a risk to public health, public safety or is indecent

NOTE: a license issued shall be displayed in a prominent place which is accessible to patients and the general public in the premises of the practice