To obtain a licence, visit any HeFRA office around the country in order to secure an approved application form. The form can also be downloaded from our website.…

To obtain a licence, visit any HeFRA office around the country in order to secure an approved application form. The form can also be downloaded from our website.…
Inspection is where a facility, having successfully gone through the registration process, submits itself for our assessors to visit and check if the facility can be judged as ready to operate (or can continue to operate if it is a pre-existing facility).…
The Board reviews the recommendations of the inspection team through the Registrar, then a long term license of an initial three years’ period is subsequently issued to enable the facility to start or continue to operate.…
HeFRA ‘regulates and monitors activities in a practice to determine the adequacy and standard of the health care provided’ [Act 829 Section 4(d)]. …